HTML tags are surrounded by angled brackets (< and >.)
They come in pairs, like <p> and </p>.
The first tag is called the opening tag, and the second tag is called the closing tag. You can tell them apart because there is always a slash before the tag name in the closing tag.
Some tags are self-closing, which means that they don't need a closing tag.
Tag syntax: <tagname>Content</tagname>
HTML Comments:
Comments are used to explain code, and may be used for when you need to change something at a later time.
They are ignored by browsers.
Comment syntax: <!-- Comment here -->
HTML Attributes:
Attributes can be used to identify and change the appearance of objects.
They go after the tag name, but inside of the opening tag.
Attribute syntax: <tag attribute="value">
Example attributes:
id - No more than one object can have the same id value. CSS can identify a certain id with a hash (#) followed by the id value, and JavaScript can identify a certain id with the .getElementById statement.
class - Similar to id, but the same value can be added to multiple objects. CSS can identify a class of objects with a . followed by the value, and JavaScript can identify a class of objects with the .getElementsByClassName statement.
A Basic HTML Document
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>My Webpage</title>
<h1>Welcome to my webpage!</h1>
<p>Hello World!</p>
<a href="">Click me!</a>